Julius Caesar
set in the reflecting pool outside of the US Capitol Building in Washington DC
created for Scene Design 3a at UNCSA, taught by John Coyne

Act 1 Scene 2

Act 2 Scene 2

Act 3 Scene 1

Act 3 Scene 2

Act 5 Scene 1
set in the Gerald Freedman Theatre on the campus of UNCSA
created for Scene Design 2b at UNCSA, taught by Howard Jones

Model photo, Act 1

Act 1

Act 4

Act 3
set in the Stevens Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
created for Scene Design 2b at UNCSA, taught by Howard Jones

Iphigenia Crash Land Falls on the Neon Shell that was Once her Heart: A Rave Fable
set in the Circle in the Square Theatre in NYC
created for Scene Design 2a at UNCSA, taught by Yoon Bae

Romeo and Juliet
set in the University Theatre at Yale School of Drama
created for Scene Design 1b at UNCSA, taught by John Coyne